12-kg ovarian tumour removed


CHANDIGARH, NOV 16:A non-cancerous ovarian tumour weighing 12-kg was removed successfully recently at a private hospital.Dr. Deepti Bansal, consultant gynae & obstetrics at Ojas Super Specialty Hospital who performed surgery said that a 56-yr old Bala from Lalru was diagnosed to have huge abdomenopelvic mass comprising of right complex solid cystic ovarian cyst plus multiple uterus fibroids.
The patient came with pain in abdomen and loss of appetite. The diagnosis confirmed with ultrasound and CT scan, was that a huge ovarian tumour was occupying whole of the abdomen.
Dr Deepti said that normally ovary size is 3-cm to 4-cm but the tumour of such huge size could have ruptured and patient would have landed up in emergency. Dr. Deepti said that in past she had operated and removed pelvic tumors up to 8 to 10-kg but this was first time she removed 12-kg size big tumour. The complications associated with huge ovarian tumor include malignancy and rupture of tumor, she informed.
The patient was discharged after 73-hr stay at hospital and joined back her duty.

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