Advisor Bhatnagar reviews functioning of School Education, Animal/Sheep Husbandry Deptts


SRINAGAR, Jan 24: Advisor to Lieutenant Gov-ernor, Rajeev Rai Bhat-nagar, today chaired a meeting to review the performance & functioning of School Education, Animal & Sheep Husbandry Depa-rtments of Kashmir division at Civil Secretariat here.
While reviewing performance of School Educ-ation Department, Advisor Bhatnagar asked the Director to keep everything in place well in advance before the commencement of class work after the winters. He also directed that preparations for examinations for March session should also be made in coordination with JKBOSE and SCERT before the opening of schools.
Advisor Bhatnagar further asked the officers of SED that any kind of training required for improving quality of teaching should be held before the opening of schools so that no classwork time is wasted. He also asked them to conduct survey of all facilities available in schools like science and computer laboratories, drinking water and toilet service so that the school children don't feel any kind of inconvenience.
During the meeting, Advisor also took detailed assessment of progress achieved under different schemes being implemented by School Education Department as well as Samagra Shiksha. He dire-cted the officers to utilise funds effectively under all the schemes. Director Sch-ool Education, Kashmir, Tassaduq Hussain Mir, bri-efed the Advisor about the progress achieved under different schemes besides preparations of the department for opening of schools.
Meanwhile, Advisor Bhatnagar in an another meeting reviewed the performance and functioning of Animal & Sheep Husb-andry Departments. The meeting was attended by Director General, Sheep Husbandry Kashmir, Bas-hir Ahmad Khan; Director Animal Husbandry, Kashmir, Purnima Mittal and other senior officers of the department.

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