Don’t ignore obligation to come up with settlement offer: Tribunal to insurance companies


Jammu, Mar 14: The Presiding Officer Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Doda Sh. Amerjeet Singh Langeh while hearing batch of Claim Petitions under Motor Vehicle Act relating to accident and death cases, directed Insurance Compa-nies namely New India Insurance Company Ltd, United India Insurance Co-mpany Ltd, Go Digit Insurance Company Ltd, IFCO TOKIO General Insu-rance Company Ltd and Shree Ram Transport Finance Company Ltd to adhere to mandate of Section 149 of Act & to come up with offer of compensation as soon as information of accident, either from claimant or otherwise comes to their notice.
“It is required to be noted that in terms of Section 149 of Motor Vehicles Act, Respondent Insurance Company is under statutory obligation to come up with an offer of compensation/Settlement to claim-ants. This provision is not without purpose & insurance Companies therefore can't afford to observe it in breach.” Observed the Trib-unal, adding, “Let Respo-ndent Insurance Company, therefore, also take steps to adhere to the mandate of section 149 of Motor Vehicles Act (Supra) and come up with an offer of compensation by or before the next date.”
Copy of order in each petition was directed to serve upon concerned Resp-ondent Insurance Company for compliance. JNF

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