Court awards 10 years RI to Baba in minor rape case

Jammu, Apr 2: Principal Sessions Judge Reasi Sonia Gupta today awarded 10 years rigorous imprisonment to Drahmanand Saraswati S/o Khachcr Mai @ Ramanand Saraswati R/o Serkhada Tehsil Gokai Mahwan District Mathura, State of U.P in minor rape case.
According to the police case that accused person namely Brahma-nand Saraswati S/o Kha-cher Mai @Ramanand Saraswati R/o Serkhada Tehsil Gokal Mahwan District Mathura, State of U.P, who used to live in the house of Romel Singh, adjacent to the house of prosecutrix (hereinafter referred to as Ms. X.) and Ms. X and her family had adopted him as their guru and Ms. X used to provide milk and food to accused. One day, when Ms. X went to give milk and food to accused, accused found her all alone in room and committed rape upon her many times. Accused person threatened her that in case she discloses any thing to her family, accused person will eliminate the whole family. Ms. X became pregnant and one day when she was having pain in her belly, on asking of her parents, she narrated the whole incident to her parents. Upon this police register a case and presented challan in the court.
Principal Sessions Judge Reasi Sonia Gupta after hearing PP Rajeev Kumar for the UT whereas Adv MS Mir for the accused, observed that the nature of offence committed by accused on young girl of 15 years does not entitle him to any leniency. No lenient view can be taken towards the accused on ground of his age as he should have thought about it before resorting to such a shameless act. In fact the age of the convict makes the offence committed by him more diabolical. The offence of rape becomes more odious as it was committed by an elderly person on a young and helpless girl leading to her pregnancy. The convict should have thought about his age, health and family members before resorting to such a shameful act.
With these observations, Court sentenced Ten years of rigorous imprisonment and fine of Rs. 5000/- to the Convict Drahmanand Saraswati S/o Khachcr Mai @ Ramanand Saraswati R/o Serkhada Tehsil Gokai Mahwan District Mathura, State of U.P for the commission of offence under section 376 RPC. In event of default of payment of fine, he shall undergo further imprisonment for one month. The Convict shall be lodged in Central Jail Amphalla, to serve the sentence so imposed.
Court further directed Vide SRO no. 394 dated 9-9-2013, of Gove-rnment of Jammu and Kashmir Home department, minor victim of rape is entitled to maximum compensation to the tune of Rs. 3 lakhs under J&K Victim Com-pensation Scheme 2013. Thus the victim is entitled to victim compensation to the tune of Rs. 3 lakh, if not already paid. JNF
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